
Saturday Aug 28, 2021
Episode 21: Total Knee Joint Replacements - The What, When, How & Why: Part 2
Saturday Aug 28, 2021
Saturday Aug 28, 2021
In this episode we continue our chat to leading Orthopaedic Surgeon, Mr Chris Jones, about all things knee replacements. As the Podcast title suggests, we discuss WHAT a knee replacement is, WHEN it should be performed, HOW the surgery is actually performed, and WHY it is necessary for so many people. In the first episode Chris talked about what a knee replacement actually is, how the decision is made that someone requires a replacement, the materials used and much more.
But buckle down for this episode which delves into the operation itself - what actually happens, what tools are used, the pain, the swelling and probably most importantly: what can you expect your knee to enable you to do "on the other side"!
There's a stack of information in both these episodes for anyone suffering OA of the knee, and the episodes are a "must listen" for anyone who is considering, or has been recommended, a Total Knee Joint Replacement.
By the end of the two part series, all your questions about TKJR should be answered. And if you are suffering pain and OA issues with your hip, much of the information in this two part podcast is just as relevant.
Enjoy this two part series and please recommend it to anyone you know who is considering this life changing operation.

Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
Episode 20: Total Knee Joint Replacements - the What, When, How & Why: Part 1
Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis in Australia. An estimated 2.2 million Australians have this condition, and whilst it affects people of all ages, the prevalence increases sharply from the age of 45 years. 1 in 5 Australians (22%) over the age of 45 have osteoarthritis with the number increasing to just over a third in adults aged 75 and over.
Hip and knee joint replacement is often the recommended surgical intervention for those suffering severe pain associated with end stage OA. Joint replacement has been shown to be a clinically effective treatment for severe osteoarthritis, which is just as well, because approximately 100,000 hip and knee replacements are performed in Australia every year.
Whilst Total Knee Joint Replacements (TKJR) do so often completely change a person's quality of life for the better (much better), no doubt it is a big operation, and with it comes some nervousness and hesitancy on behalf of the patient - understandably. But a lot of this nervousness and hesitancy stems from lack of in depth knowledge about the surgery and its effectiveness!
So today we chat to leading Orthopaedic Surgeon, Mr Chris Jones, about all things knee replacements. As the Podcast title suggests, we discuss WHAT a knee replacement is, WHEN it should be performed, HOW the surgery is actually performed, and WHY it is necessary for so many people. Plus there's a stack more information for anyone suffering OA of the knee, and is a "must listen" for anyone who is considering, or has been recommended, a Total Knee Joint Replacement.
In fact, Mr Jones had so much invaluable information that we broke this podcast into two! By the end of the two part series, all your questions about TKJR should be answered. And if you are suffering pain and OA issues with your hip, much of the information in this two part podcast is just as relevant.

Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
In this episode Anthony chats to Gerard Healy, one of the VFL/AFL superstars of the 80's and now leading TV, radio and Fox Footy commentator.
Listen to Gerard reflect back on his career, his coaches, the Edelston years and then compare it to today's footballers and the many challenges facing the AFL.
We cover many more topics too, such as concussion, mental health, the rules, COVID, coaching handovers and much more.
Get a fascinating insight into AFL from someone who has played the game at the highest level, winning the ultimate individual award The Brownlow Medal, and is now one of the longest serving and most respected football commentators.

Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
RECOVERY - what a fascinating topic and one of the most investigated topics in our sporting world. Once upon a time recovery was mostly about what you didn’t do - basically having a day away from training was considered your recovery strategy. Now we’ve got google and social media on our side, and as a result we’ve got what seems like an unlimited amount of recovery gadgets and strategies we can use. Together with Load Management and Tendinopathy Management, Recovery has become one of the most investigated and researched topics in the physio world. And the new information we are finding out has as much relevance to athletes as it does to people recovering from any tissue damage, injury or even surgical intervention.
There are so many aspects of recovery to discuss and the obvious ones are the modalities that everyone uses, and are obviously so familiar with and have used over decades.
It seems so many people, once their training session has finished, are still solely worried about how they’re going to recover, grabbing their ice packs, jumping in cold water baths, using foam rollers, compression gear etc, but what is so fascinating now is it's not just about HOW we recover and WHAT modalities we use, but just as much, and perhaps more importantly about WHEN we should be recovering.
So it really excites us to welcome Dr Shona Halson to the PPR Podcast, someone who has been touted as the ‘world’s leading expert on athlete recovery’, a topic that is massive for all athletes - from recreational to elite, and all in between.
As a bit of background, Dr Halson was the head Recovery Physiologist at the Australian Institute of Sport for almost 16yrs, Director of the AUS Olympic Committee Recovery Centre at the 2008, 2012, and 2016 Olympic Games.
Dr Halson is currently a Professor at the Australian Catholic University in the school of Behavioural and Health Sciences, as well as an Associate Editor for the International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance; she also provides consultancy services to the Australian Open Tennis Tournament and Nike as part of both the Nike Performance Council and Nike Sports Research Advisory Group. Dr Halson also consults to a number of international professional sporting teams and Defence organisations.
Dr Halson’s research focuses heavily on recovery science and strategies, in particular over recent times the topics of fatigue and sleep, and she has over 130 scientific papers and research projects, and many book chapters to her name.
So there's no-one better to educate us on what the "Recovery Science" is telling us, and how we must change our traditional thoughts around recovery in order to ensure we achieve optimal athletic and sporting performance.

Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
Episode 17: The "10% Rule" And How It Relates To Injury Prevention & Fitness Progression
Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
In this first episode for Season 2 of the Perform Prevent Recover podcast series, SSPC Physio's Anthony Lance and Rob O'Donnell use the COVID Lockdown backdrop to discuss where the "10% Rule" fits into the prevention of injury and the progression of fitness regimes.
Most people who have been in sport, or been to their physio for an injury, have probably encountered the "10% Rule" and used it to progress their fitness or injury status.
Anthony and Rob look in depth at the 10% Rule, the evidence behind it, and how applicable it is in our current world. They touch on some of leading Sports Scientist Tim Gabbett's research, in particular the brilliant "basement/floor/ceiling" concept of Load management.
Even if you haven't heard of the 10% rule, or have never used it in your management, there's some fantastic information in this podcast that will help you not only reduce your injury risk when training and progressing training, but also help you increase your own performance levels.
In the words of Tim Gabbett, this podcast is all about educating you on how the 10% rule fits into "Training Smarter AND Training Harder".

Saturday Oct 24, 2020
Episode 16: Athlete Feature - John Van Wisse, ultra-endurance triathlete and swimmer
Saturday Oct 24, 2020
Saturday Oct 24, 2020
In episode 16 we get to chat to John Van Wisse - utra distance marathon swimmer and triathlete from our own bayside area of Melbourne. Over a 25 year career, John has won numerous international events, and set world records in gruelling ultra distance events, including the English Channel swim and the gruelling Arch to Arc triathlon from London to France. John takes us through the complexities of the Channel swims, talks about the time he almost died, and details the incredible difficulty of each leg of the Arch to Arc.
John has amazing experience in many of the world's most famous triathlon and swimming events, and still has unfinished business with the Arch to Arc! He combines his current triathlon training with his swim coaching in Melbourne, overseeing hundreds of swimmers with their own fitness challenges, yet still manages to find the time to train to the level needed not only to complete these events, but to break world records.
Listen in to one of the great ultra endurance athletes of our time!

Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Episode 15: Athlete Feature - Luke Bell, Australian Long Course Triathlete
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
SSPC Director & Physio Rob O'Donnell takes over the podcast reigns with this brilliant interview with leading Australian long course triathlete Luke Bell.
In this episode Rob delves right into the triathlon world with Luke, covering topics such as:
His incredible triathlon history including competing at multiple Kona Ironman World Championships.
The long list of injuries that may well have derailed many other careers.
When a camera man got in the way and cost Luke what looked like a potential Kona win.
Why one of Luke's best finishes at Kona is not his highest finish.
His training program and training advice, including modifications made during this COVID period.
The simple but effective mental strategy to help him through these torturous events.
And at the end of it all, a take home message from his swim coach that Luke has used as his training strategy ever since.
This is a great opportunity to hear from one of our greatest triathletes with advice and messages that can be transferred across all sports.

Thursday Aug 27, 2020
Thursday Aug 27, 2020
The COVID pandemic has seen many people turn to running as their exercise saviour - including many who have never run before.
There's a whole new subgroup of runners out there trying to run that seemingly magical 5km distance. But do you know how to design the best program to make sure you optimise your fitness and time? Is running the same distance three or four times a week the best way to get fit? Will you get fitter and faster just by staying compliant to the same program over a long period of time?
In this episode we go to "The Running Man" David Eadie and find out everything you need to know about designing the best running program for you. David is a veteran on the running circuit, starting out with four marathons by 12 years of age, progressing to Cross Country running for Glenhuntly Athletics Club, making Commonwealth Games and Olympic Games selection trials, completing a sub 10 hour Hawaii Ironman, then onto the brutal scene of ultradistance running. David has literally "been there, done that" with all aspects of running, and over recent years has combined his running with coaching and training people by designing individualised running programs through his online business therunningman.com.au
Whether you're one of the new "5km Phenomenon COVID runners", a recreational runner, or a super keen runner, there's information in here that will help everyone improve their programs and their performances.
And David has kindly passed on a basic outline of what he covers in depth in the podcast - click this link to see his suggestion for a training program for all you 5km runners out there, and there's options for 3 and 4 and 5 day a week runners.
Enjoy the episode!

Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Episode 13: Athlete Feature: Matthew Lloyd - Essendon Superstar
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
In Episode 13 we get another rare opportunity to go behind the AFL scenes and chat to a real superstar of the game: Essendon's Matthew Lloyd, who is one of the greatest full forwards our game has ever seen. From kicking 100 goals in a season, to the Essendon captaincy, his coaches, the fallout from the Essendon drugs saga, Hawthorn rivalry, , the brutal bump on Brad Sewell in his final game, and a whole lot more.
It’s a fascinating episode where we get to hear what drove one of the greatest full forwards the game has ever seen, but also look at the side that many don’t see in great athlete's - the mental health aspect of elite sport.
This episode sees Matthew talk with incredible honesty in a "nothing is off the table" discussion about his career, the people he played with, and the highs and lows of a 270 game, 926 goal AFL career.

Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
In this follow up to Episode 11, SSPC Podiatrist Scott Murray looks at the topic "Fit For Purpose" and outlines how important it is to find a shoe that fits your activity.
Many topics are covered relevant to shoe selection including:
the type of activity you are performing
younger vs master athletes
the relationship of shoes to injury prevention
the importance of variety - and not just in your shoe
footwear in kids
the ideal lifespan of footwear
running and osteo-arthritis
... and the single most important factor running athletes should be looking at to reduce injury risk - and it's not footwear!
By the time you have listened to Episode 11 and 12, you should be able to confidently walk into any retail store and come out with the shoe that is best suited for you.

The Perform Prevent Recover Podcast
- brought to you by Southern Suburbs Physiotherapy Centre. With two great locations, East Bentleigh and Parkdale, SSPC has been established since 1997. With over 250 years of combined physiotherapy experience on staff, plus an amazing selection of other health practitioners to choose from (including sports podiatrists, massage therapists, myotherapists, and dietitians) we are in a great place to be able to deliver you the latest research, evidence, and advice to enable you to PERFORM at your best, PREVENT injury, and RECOVER well.